Choosing the right domain name for your business can be tough. The pressure is on - once you begin branding with this domain, changing will be tricky. Putting some thought into your domain name up front is definitely worth the time spent.
First of all, a little domain info: a domain name is the part of your web address that is found after the "http://" or "www". In this example:, the highlighted portion is the domain name. Does a domain name really matter all that much? If cost is any indication, yes it does.
Some points to consider when choosing your domain name: The best extension - With over 126 million registered names, the old standby extension ".com" is pretty saturated. You can still create a workable .com domain name but you might have to be creative. New extensions are being added (.biz, .shop, .info). Time will tell which of these domains become as recognizable as .com. For now, if you can buy a .com domain, do it. Keep it short, keep it simple - A domain name should be easy to read, easy to spell and easy to pronounce. Remember, in most cases your email address will be based on this domain name. Every time you tell someone your email address, do you really want to say joe@8245tmleql ? When you've come up with a candidate, tell a few friends your domain name and ask them to spell it. Show your domain name to a few different friends and ask them to read it. If there is any hesitation or incorrect answer, go back to the drawing board. Avoid numbers - Numbers in a domain name can be confusing. Is 5 spelled out or the number 5? It's best to avoid them when possible. If it's not possible, buy both versions of the name. Say what you do - Most people automatically focus on their company name when buying a domain but sometimes it's a better idea to focus on what you do. Including keywords (oil field, medic, etc.) in your name improves your page rank and many people search for a category - not a specific name. Check out the domain's history - People abandon domain names every day. An easy way to find out if your potential domain has been used before: Wayback Machine . Purchase several domains - Domain names are relatively inexpensive. If you see any possibility of confusing your domain name (QuikiMart, QuickyMart), buy all the variations and point them all to your site. Renew - Your domain name will expire. Keep track of the login and password with your registrar and be sure to renew! Once your name expires, it is open to purchase by anyone. And that anyone is usually someone looking to sell back to you at a higher cost. Be careful - Sometimes, you miss something important - (Speed of Art gone terribly wrong.) Admarc can help find the perfect domain name for your company We also register and renew the name so you never need to worry about losing it. Give us a call.
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Whether you're hungry, running on fumes or ready to bed down for the night, the blue highway signs showing gas, food & lodging options are always a welcome site. With a quick glance, you can decide if you want chicken or burgers. As a business owner, these signs can increase traffic to your store from the moment they are installed - as evidenced by the 97% renewal rate. What are the rules for these logo signs in Texas?
Additional Texas Requirement by Category Food:
24-Hour Pharmacies:
Lone Star Logos currently maintains and sells space on Texas road signs. Expect to pay between $900 and $3,250 per year for Mainlane Signs & between $150 and $750 per year for Ramp Signs. Daily traffic count determines cost. If you'd like to talk about marketing your business, including determining whether highway signs are good choice for you, contact Admarc. |
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