Christmas is a great time to reconsider joy. It is deeper and richer than holiday lights, Christmas carols, wrapped presents, and social gatherings. It is a reality rooted in an authentic relationship with real person who has come to give joy to our hearts and minds.
As I reflect on Christmas past with family, I remember the fun times with mom and dad, siblings and later with our kids when they were young and their eyes were full of wonder. That wonder and joy can still be present this Christmas. A joy and wonder that can’t be found in presents under the tree or a balance in your bank account. This joy is made real as we cherish His truth and trust Him for all of our needs. Everything else, no matter how pleasant, is secondary as a source of joy. Perhaps the Christmas season, more than any other time of the year, reminds us of how quickly life passes and changes. Rather than grieve or complain about our fleeting memories, we should let Christmas spark encouragement in the reality of our eternal joy. So, this Christmas, let the fullness of joy be present in your celebrations of Christ. It is the ideal time to let your joy be rekindled. By His strength, I pray this Christmas will be a season of great hope and joy in YOUR world.
Fresh insights shared in the morning when ideas are fresh and the coffee is hot. Archives
September 2024